Voice search is now taking over the internet marketing industry. You can now talk to your devices. The smart voice assistant is very popular and highly in demand in the market. Most of the people use voice search commands over tying. Voice search command is an art where devices can reply to your search queries in human language. This is the latest technology that analyzes spoken words and replies with a customized voice that looks like you are talking to a human. Voice search is currently integrated into Computers, laptops, mobiles, tablets, streaming devices like remotes & home assistants.
For example: -
Amazon's Alexa uses the Bing search engine.
Apple's Siri uses Google search engine.
Google Voice search uses Google search engine.
Windows Cortana uses the Bing search engine.
Marketing analytics shows that 50% of the overall searches are done via voice commands. Not only the voice searches, but voice commands also take over the speakers, wearable tech and other IoT devices. Think like an ordinary people, instead of typing anything and then search it is a little lengthy process. To fasten the process, just click on the voice button, say your query and it will show the result. So simple to use and manage. Further, the voice search in eCommerce is increasing nowadays. You can search for any product by just saying to the application and it will show you relevant products. If your eCommerce website does not have voice command, then you should use voice search optimization for your online store to increase your sales.
How to optimize your product pages for voice search:
Now, let's move towards some voice search optimization strategy for product website. We will discuss the strategy for voice search optimization 2019.
1) Product description:
Google uses machine learning and semantic analysis to understand what we spoke to it. To extract the content, Textoptimiser is used by Google's search snippets. You should optimize the product description accordingly so that your product will appear in the voice search query. Optimize Product Page for Voice Search so that you will have a good rank in the search engine.
2) Add Product Q & A:
You should use this SEO strategy. Use 5W + H questions of your product- who, what, when, where, why and how. Do people use to search for a product like How to buy a laptop? or Where can I buy a laptop?
3) Use HTML headings:
Headings are important. You use H2 and H3 headings to point your product page in the search engines. Always use optimize content for voice search and use headings and subheadings. To create your optimization strategy, use Serpstat Text Analysis. It will analyze a competitor's title and heading and present the optimization steps for your product page.
4) Use lists and tables:
Voice command will better understand your page if your content includes bullet points, tables, and highlights. It also gives an attractive vision to the readers/buyers. People would like to stay on your page for a long time.
5) Product schema:
Optimize an Ecommerce Site for Voice Search and add product schema in it. Like reviews, offers, and price. If your review score is good, then these can be read by voice search user and there is a more chance of adding a product in its shopping cart.
6) Monitor your mobile rankings:
The content that is shown on rank 1 as a result of the search query is read by the people. So, mobile ranking is more important.
Voice search is the fastest growing technology that is adopting more by marketers to improve their search results & sales. You need to optimize the website for voice search so that it has a conversational format and take a guess what is the voice query and how it will land to your page. It’s suggested to consult with qualified professionals working in leading digital marketing agencies that are offering search engine optimization services in New York, USA. None is best as compared to them in terms of imparting knowledge to optimize website as per voice search.